The biggest difference between the Pokewalker and the Pokemon Pikachu 2 GS is that not only will you be walking around while wearing the Pokewalker, but your Pokemon will be walking too! You’ll have over two dozen locations to eventually choose from, but you’ll have to unlock most of them by playing through Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. This is an excellent way to evolve those Pokemon like Chansey into Blissey or Igglybuff into Jigglypuff. By the time you get back you’ll happy a significantly more powerful Pokemon as well as one with a high happiness rating. Transfer in say, a Scizor, and then strap the Pokewalker to your pants. Let’s say you’re going on a ten mile hike. Then as you walk around, the pedometer aspect of the Pokewalker takes effect and it slowly raises your Pokemon’s happiness as well as your level. At anytime you can transfer a single Pokemon into the Pokeball shaped disc. However, with the Pokewalker, you aren’t stuck with just Pikachu. The core aspect of the Pokewalker is the same as the Pokemon Pikachu 2 GS. Join us as we give you some information on this strange little bonus item and how you can use it to maximize your experiences in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. This device builds off the premise of the PP2GS and expands to a degree no one had ever thought of before. Well with the release of Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, you’ll discover that there is a pack-in with your copy of the game known as the Pokewalker. It would then communicate with the Game Boy Colour’s port and then allow you to download items through Pokemon GSC’s “Mystery Gift” option. The second was that you could trade the watts through the PP2GS’ infrared port. The first was that they could buy presents for the virtual Pikachu pet contained within the PP2GS so that it would like you more. These steps could then be traded in for “watts.” Watts had two purposes.

This digital device could be clipped to your belt and would count the number of steps you took. When the original Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal, you were able to buy an strange cross between a pedometer and a Tamagotchi virtual pet known as the Pokemon Pikachu 2 GS.